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  • Amidst the joyous reunion and celebrations, the volunteers remembered their fellow members who could not join due to old age and frailty…
  • Even though the walk is slow, lifting requires exertion, the two silver-haired volunteers both carrying on without a hint of hesitation. “This is a good way of keeping us active, exercising with lots of fun, why not!”
  • Tzu Chi Malacca held the Tzu Chi Study Grant Presentation Ceremony for 661 primary and secondary school students on October 30, 2022. The morning and afternoon sessions of the ceremony were conducted in Mandarin and Malay respectively, with attendance from more than 1,240 parents and students.
  • After Komalaa a/p Sellathamby was accepted into the university, her father, Sellathamby a/l Manickam, had a profound revelation that a parent’s attitude is a key determinant to his child’s future. He is grateful for the assistance from Tzu Chi volunteers when he was at a loss. Their help and support have allowed his humble family to flourish.
  • It may take time to overcome hardship. However, with support and company from others, it may feel less overwhelming and more hopeful that a better future awaits.
  • Poverty and illnesses are interlinked. Oftentimes, when a family member, especially the breadwinner, falls sick, the whole family becomes trapped in predicaments. For Lim Siong Heng’s family, Tzu Chi volunteers lifted them up with charity, medical and education assistance.
  • From being independent, her mother now has to rely on others for everything. From being hot-tempered to being innocent and smiling, her father, who had a stroke, is now incapable of doing anything. When her parents needed her most, Natasha has been staying with them to reciprocate their kindness, and taking care of them together with the siblings.
  • Siti Rahayu has a pair of smiling eyes, and a big smile, too. She delights in every little thing around her. One may wonder whether it is her nature, or the hardship she had endured that gave rise to her being calm and composed under any circumstances.
  • Years ago, doctors pronounced that Lee Ah Peng, who was struck by an illness, would be paralysed. This crippled his spirit and suicidal thought arose. Now, he takes recycling as part of his rehabilitation exercise, and aspires to benefit others through voluntary work.
  • Fast Fashion trend is accelerating the cycle of fast production, fast consumption and fast disposal of clothing.

    We would scrutinize production details of food for safe consumption, but we are ignorant of such facts about clothing, not to mention the “price” that mankind has to pay for producing a piece of clothing.